Alan with The Collaborators-1

In this Video we asked Alan to help us find out what we are going to do for NGO and this blog in future! Also got some information about NGO goals and what they are expecting from us!

Also I offer other Tech Stewards to watch this video, cause you can find some tips and advices about blog settings, like how to embed a video and making new Sub Menus/Menus

3 thoughts on “Alan with The Collaborators-1

  1. Excellent work, Yasin! I was just looking for your email address to suggest embedding the YouTube video, and here you figure it out.

    I might suggest including more that just the video. If someone just came across this post as the only thing they saw from your blog, would they know what it is for? You and Daria know because you were there. I might add a few sentences explaining why we hung out, maybe what you got out of the meeting (even if it was nothing).

    When blogging, always think of adding context and if appropriate, related links.


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